The Berris

The Berris
Bring on the sushi!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Testing Testing, 1 2 3

Since we have had such fun reading up on our friends' lives and watching videos and images of kids growing, etc, we thought we would try out this blogging thang.

Chris is teaching summer school right now while Kim hooks him up with tastey meals in the evenings. We are currently looking for a house to buy and then live in. Funny the order of such things.

Waiting on High Sierra!


lynnerd said...

Yay, Berris! You have been added to my GoogleReader. Thanks for keeping us updated and good luck with that house!

Dronk said...

High Sierra's going to be fun. All-time, daresay.

Deirdre said...

Awesome! I think I might join the bandwagon too...

Rockhouse Jones said...

What's for dinner tonight?